Cultivate Order
“God is a God of order, therefore when His people follow His order great things happen.”
The Process of Righteousness
If we are going to be successful in the process of righteousness, we must come to a place of comfort and confidence in the Trinity’s heart for the process.
The Proof of Righteousness
”When God imparts His righteousness into our lives it causes a radical alteration to occur in a person’s heart, mind and will.”
The Pursuit of Righteousness
Jesus defined "righteous living" by a believer choosing to walk in humility, having a heart of repentance, being kind-hearted, merciful, full of integrity, peaceful and a willingness to endure hardship.
The Blessing of Righteousness
The moment we put our trust and faith in the finished work of Jesus…we were not only placed in right standing before the Father, but we were also positioned to live under the blessing of righteousness.
The Gift of Righteousness
The righteousness of God condemns us only when we reject it, but it saves us when we accept it.
Maintaining Balance
“The kingdom of God intentionally produces a tension in our lives for the purpose of spiritual health and balance.”
Trained to War
“No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.”