Follow The Leader

When I was a kid, my brothers and I would play a game called “Follow the Leader.”  The concept of the game was pretty basic:  We would all hop on our bicycles, select a leader, then wherever the “leader” went on their bike…we all followed him. 

If you can imagine with me for a moment…

The “chosen leader” would typically ride up our long dirt driveway at a steady pace to where our mailbox was, once everyone else was in the position he desired…he would quickly turn around and speed back down the driveway as fast as he could [sliding around the corners on the loose gravel], then as the driveway straightened out a bit he would try to muster up as much speed as possible so he could use the speed bump our grandfather strategically placed right before his house as a ramp.  Next he would coast in-between the barn and the chicken coop, as soon as he passed between the two buildings he would take a sharp left turn behind the chicken coop so he could weave his way through a few of the bushes and trees in the yard before he chose to circle back around to the pond and so on [All the while…in the spirit of the game…the rest of us did our best to keep up so we could make sure we were mimicking everything OUR “chosen” leader did.].   

Its kinda funny, because as I sit here today, when I look back at those times…

I realize that simple game taught me a valuable “lesson” early on in life.  And that “lesson” was this…

“In this life, we can only be led by someone when we give them permission [or the authority] to do so.” 

“In this life, we will only be led by SOMETHING when we give IT permission [or the authority] to lead us.

If the Enemy can get us to be led by the FEAR of everything we are hearing/seeing, then he will succeed in paralyzing us from moving forward in our God given assignments [to the point to where we end up resembling Gideon in the winepress].

If the Enemy can get us consumed [or led by] the latest CONSPIRACY THEORY on YouTube or Facebook then he will succeed in getting our hearts/minds distracted from God’s truth…which inevitably dulls our discernment

If the Enemy can get us to the point where we are being led by our feelings of FRUSTRATION and ANGER…where all we can do is gripe and complain, then he will succeed in getting us to use our authority [which comes through our words of declaration] for his benefit. 

Once these areas have taken root in our hearts, they have the potential of becoming the driving influences in our lives, which blurs our decision making process, and ultimately will render us INEFFECTIVE for the use of God’s Kingdom.

“We [as believers] need [to be careful] to make sure we are following the RIGHT leader during this time.” 

Because if we don’t have the RIGHT leader we will lack the proper perspective in how to navigate this season of our lives.

Galatians 5:16 [NLT], So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives.  <—In other words, the Apostle Paul is urging us to “let [allow, give permission, to choose] the Holy Spirit as our guide [and leader] in this life.”

Hebrews 12:27-28 [NLT], This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain. 28 Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with holy fear and awe.   <—So the 1st reason we should choose the Holy Spirit as our leader and guide is because, while it appears like this world [and it’s systems are] being “shaken” right now…the Holy Spirit is not…and never will be!

1.  The Holy Spirit cannot be shaken

At the end of the day, our circumstances and all of the things people are saying will change…but the HOLY SPIRIT will not.  He is the Unchanging One!

The second reason we should choose the Holy Spirit as our leader and guide is, b/c…

2.  It is our divine right and privilege as children of God

Romans 8:14-16 [AMP/ESV], For all who are allowing themselves to be led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God…  <—Come on, grab ahold of that truth…“Being LED by the Holy Spirit is one of our greatest privileges we have as the Children of God.”

The Holy Spirit’s number one responsibility/goal is to HELP/GUIDE us through this life in a way that would honor the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

  • As our “GUIDE” He understands every trap and obstacle along the way.  He knows every lie and tactic of the enemy. 

  • As you can see God has invited us to live a lifestyle where we are consciously aware that He is always with us. This invitation is established on the living revelation that the Holy Spirit is not only “WITH US, but IN US” and desires to be actively engaged in every detail of our lives…for no other reason than…He loves us as Sons and Daughters of the Most High God!

Romans 8:14 [AMP], For all who are allowing themselves to be led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.


The Unexpected


Do You Know Your Why?