Loved by God: Part 2
Imagine what could happen if we focused on God’s view of us, instead of our past, problems, or performance?
The Answer
When Christians take their eyes off of God’s Word, they will inevitably end up searching for answers about life, in places that can only produce death.
Becoming a Hearer and Doer of the Word
We are hesitant to believe God’s Word because our natural tendency is to filter it through the way we view ourselves.
Building Blocks: Foundations of the Faith: Week 8
Heaven is the eternal home of those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus.
Keep Watch
We must know His Word and how it is speaking to our lives, so we will not have HARD HEARTS… but ones that KNOW HIM AND TRUST HIM.
Foundation: Building Blocks of the Faith-Week 6
“Our current level of obedience in this life is what will ultimately determine our place of service and responsibility in the next life.”
Foundation: Building Blocks of the Faith: Week 5
If we practice the Word and do what the Word says, we will be blown away by, not only what He CAN do, but what He WILL do if we would just obey!
How We Grow by Pastor Chris Heine
Growth doesn’t happen overnight and growth doesn’t happen through inconsistency.