Marriage: God's Design

Somewhere along the way, we have lost sight of their God-given design and the responsibilities that come along with it.

When a person forgets who they are called to be, they will inadvertently begin to live from a false identity that is given to them by the influences that surround them.

It is impossible for us to lose sight of our God-given design as men and women, without us also losing sight of God's design for our marriages in the process.

Genesis 2:18 [NLT], "It is not good for the man to be alone."


  1. A battle to fight
  2. An adventure to live
  3. A beauty to rescue


  1. To be fought for
  2. An adventure to share
  3. A beauty to unveil

Where did things go wrong?


The way we handle our spouse's heart is everything.

Thoughts for Men: 

  1. Affection
  2. Conversation
  3. Honesty and Openness
  4. Financial Support
  5. Family Commitment

The way we handle her heart is everything.

You are the man God has chosen to meet her needs.

Thoughts for Women:

  1. Sexual Fulfillment
  2. Recreational Companionship
  3. An Attractive Spouse
  4. Domestic Support
  5. Admiration

The way you handle his heart is everything.

You are the woman God has chosen to meet his needs.

Thoughts on Submission:

When you "submit" to Christ, is it "empowering" or "disempowering" to you?

Thoughts on Sex:

"You are God's gift to your husband.  He equipped you with everything you need to meet his needs.  Just as you are to honor and respect him, you should also seek to meet his physical need for sex.  

First of all, when you place priority on your sex life, you are telling your husband that his needs are important to you.  You are also saying that you approve of his manhood.  When a woman refuses to have sex night after night, she is not just refusing sex, she is rejecting her husband.  He does not feel wanted or loved by you when you continually turn him away.  Your love acted out will give him the confidence he needs to be a godly husband and father."


Church: God's Design


Woman: God's Design