"Redeeming the Time"
“Perspective fuels purpose. Purpose defines priorities. Priorities determines the value of time.”
I Call You Friend
When we take a step back we realize our friendship with God is rooted in our abiding with Jesus, the IF is not meant to come from a place of doing but rather being in the Fathers presence, listening and talking to Him on a regular basis throughout our days.
From Holiness to Happiness
Marriage forces me to face myself honestly to expose my character flaws, bad attitudes and habits that lead me further away from my God ordained happiness.
Opportunity: Parts 1 and 2
In this two-part message, we learn that, just as we see in scripture, we must realize that our lives are opportunities for people to see and respond to Jesus
The very trial you walked through in the past, can be the very thing that God uses to set you up for blessing in the future.
Intentional Living Part 4
The reason why more of us aren’t living emotionally healthy and spiritually rich lives is because we can’t strike the BALANCE between busyness and inactivity.
Intentional Living Part 3
If God built intentional times of rest into His people’s weekly, monthly, and yearly calendar, then maybe we should be open to having a little more intentional time to rest in our lives.
Intentional Living Part 2
“When we experience a breakdown in our relationship with God, a breakdown in our
relationship with people follows. The connection between the two is unbreakable.”
—Peter Scazzero
Intentional Living
“If the devil can’t make you sin, he’ll make you busy.” —Corrie ten Boom
The Art of Reflection
“Success requires a well thought out plan and a following through of that plan if we are going to succeed.”
How to handle Disappointment
“Being challenged in life is inevitable—being defeated is optional.”