“By This Time”
“Babyhood is a delightful thing; perpetual babyhood is deplorable. The perpetual spiritual infant is an embarrassment to God. God wants us rich in spiritual things. Unless we are grown-up in Christ, we will be a liability—childish and petty, wanting attention all the time, and wanting to be amused.” —Leonard Ravenhill
Your Words Matter
We will never be able to speak life and be kind to others if we don’t feel good about ourselves first.
The Power of Words
Instead of using our energy to criticize and nag when our spouse does something we don’t like. Let’s use our influence to comment favorably when they say or do something we approve of.
The Art of Listening
We regularly confuse the act of hearing with the choice of listening.
Unhealthy Family Habits
Criticism should never be a habit within a family culture, because we are suppose to be loving, supportive, and encouraging to one another.
Raising Strong Kids
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” —Frederick Douglas
Our lives in Christ are strengthened and enriched when we stop living each day AROUND Him and intertwine our lives to live each day WITH Him.