"We cannot minister effectively if we are offended with those we should be ministering to."
The Fullness of Grace, Part 2
"What God has saved us to is always greater than what He has saved us from.”
The Fullness of Grace
"The fullness of God's grace will always produce purity of heart, power against sin and a passion to live for Him."
Restoring the Glory
Because we have not sought after the fullness of the Holy Spirit we have lost the full expression of His glory in our lives.
Made For This
God has called and anointed YOU to lead YOUR home as a shepherd, prophet, priest, and king.
Uncommon, Part 2
"The Holy Spirit inside of me will never disagree with the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you."
And a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years, came up behind Him and touched the HEM of His garment; for she was saying to herself, "If I only touch His garment, I will get well."
–Matthew 9:20-21