Arm Yourself With Truth
Whenever we find ourselves contemplating the TRUTH on any subject the first question we should ask is, “What does the Bible say?” Because God will never contradict or stray from His written Word.
Turning The Tide
War is a conflict that occurs when one party seeks to gain by FORCE something that another party will not willingly concede, or when both parties desire to possess a thing that cannot be mutually shared.
The Purpose and Value of Our Trials
You never know how deep a tree is planted until a storm comes.
Be the Standard
Isaiah 59:19 [NKJV], When the enemy comes in like a flood. The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.
Finding Unity
“We cannot improve the future without disturbing the present.” —William Booth
Choose to be Grateful
True thankfulness focuses on the Giver rather than the gift that was given.
The Unexpected
The fulfillment of God’s plan for our lives shrinks and expands in proportion to our courage.
Follow The Leader
The Holy Spirit’s number one responsibility is to GUIDE us through this life in a way that would honor the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Through The Eyes of a Pharisee
Do you see yourself through the eyes of a pharisee or do you see through the eyes of Jesus?